Book Our Energy Future : Introduction to Renewable Energy and Biofuels EPUB, TXT


"Our Energy Future" is an introductory textbook for a college course in energy production, alternative and renewable fuels, and related issues involved in building a sustainable energy future. Our society is consuming energy at an alarming rate as trends in energy consumption continue to rise. Jones and Mayfield explore the creation and history of fossil fuels, their impact on the environment, and how they have become critical to our society. They warn that continuing fuel-usage patterns could permanently damage our environment. Jones and Mayfield also outline how the adoption of sustainable biofuels will be key to our future energy stability. They discuss a number of renewable energy options, and then discuss different biofuel feedstocks and their potential as replacements for petroleum-based products. This book emphasizes the importance of continued scientific, agricultural, and engineering development, while outlining the political and environmental challenges that are coupled with a complete shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy and biomass. "Our Energy Future" is an excellent, accessible resource for undergraduate students studying biofuels and bioenergy.", Our Energy Future is an introductory textbook for the study of energy production, alternative and renewable fuels, and ways to build a sustainable energy future. Jones and Mayfield explore the creation and history of fossil fuels, their impact on the environment, and how they have become critical to our society. The authors also outline how adopting sustainable biofuels will be key to the future of energy stability and discuss a number of renewable energy options and biofuel feedstocks that are replacements for petroleum-based products. Our society is consuming energy at an alarming rate, and the authors warn that continuing fuel-usage patterns could permanently damage the environment. This book emphasizes the importance of continued scientific, agricultural, and engineering development while it outlines the political and environmental challenges that will accompany a complete shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy and biomass. Our Energy Future is an accessible resource for undergraduate students studying biofuels and bioenergy.

Stephen P. Mayfield - Our Energy Future : Introduction to Renewable Energy and Biofuels read online DOC, EPUB, DJV

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